Configuration functionality


Sopel’s configuration module.

The Config object provides an interface to access Sopel’s configuration file. It exposes the configuration’s sections through its attributes as objects, which in turn expose their directives through their attributes.

For example, this is how to access core.nick on a Config object:

>>> from sopel import config
>>> settings = config.Config('/sopel/config.cfg')
>>> settings.core.nick

The configuration file being:

nick = Sopel
host =
use_ssl = true
port = 6697
owner = dgw
channels =

A section can be represented by a subclass of StaticSection; for example a [spam] section with eggs and bacon can be defined like this:

from sopel import config

class SpamSection(config.types.StaticSection):
    eggs = config.types.ListAttribute('eggs')
    bacon = config.types.ValidatedAttribute('bacon')

The [core] section itself is represented by the CoreSection class, which is a subclass of StaticSection. It is automatically added when the Config object is instantiated; it uses Config.define_section() for that purpose.

New in version 6.0.0.

class sopel.config.Config(filename, validate=True)

The bot’s configuration.

  • filename (str) – the configuration file to load and use to populate this Config instance

  • validate (bool) – if True, validate values in the [core] section when it is loaded (optional; True by default)

The configuration object will load sections (see ConfigSection) from the file at filename during initialization. Calling save() writes any runtime changes to the loaded settings back to the same file.

Only the [core] section (see CoreSection) is added and made available by default; it is the only section required for Sopel to run. All other sections must be defined later, by the code that needs them, using define_section().

class ConfigSection(name, items, parent)

Represents a section of the config file.

  • name (str) – name of this section

  • items (iterable of two-item tuples) – key-value pairs

  • parent (Config) – this section’s containing object

Contains all keys in the section as attributes.


Legacy way of getting a list from a config value.


name (str) – name of the attribute to fetch and interpret as a list


the value of name as a list

Return type


Deprecated since version 7.0: Use ListAttribute when storing a list value. This legacy method will be removed in Sopel 8.0.


Add a new, empty section to the config file.


name (str) – name of the new section


None if successful; False if a section named name already exists


Plugin authors very rarely want or need to use this method.

You will almost always want to define (and optionally validate values within) a section with specific attributes using define_section() and a child class of StaticSection.


The section’s name SHOULD follow snake_case naming rules:

  • use only lowercase letters, digits, and underscore (_)

  • SHOULD NOT start with a digit

Deviations from snake_case can break the following operations:


The config’s base filename, i.e. the filename without the extension.

If the filename is libera.config.cfg, then the basename will be libera.config.

The config’s basename is useful as a component of log file names, for example.

define_section(name, cls_, validate=True)

Define the available settings in a section.

  • name (str) – name of the new section

  • cls_ (subclass of StaticSection) – class defining the settings within the section

  • validate (bool) – whether to validate the section’s values (optional; defaults to True)


ValueError – if the section name has been defined already with a different cls_

If validate is True, the section’s values will be validated, and an exception (usually ValueError or AttributeError) raised if they are invalid. This is desirable in a plugin’s setup() function, for example, but might not be in the configure() function.


The section’s name SHOULD follow snake_case naming rules:

  • use only lowercase letters, digits, and underscore (_)

  • SHOULD NOT start with a digit

Deviations from snake_case can break the following operations:


The config object’s associated file.


Shortcut to parser.get.


Retrieve all defined static sections of this configuration.


all instances of StaticSection defined for this configuration file

Return type


When a plugin defines a section (using define_section()), it associates a StaticSection for the section. This method allows to retrieve these instances of StaticSection, and only these.

New in version 7.1.

property homedir

The config file’s home directory.

If the core.homedir setting is available, that value is used. Otherwise, the default homedir is the directory portion of the Config’s filename.

option(question, default=False)

Ask the user a “y/n” question.

  • question (str) – the question to ask the user

  • default (bool) – True to show [y] as the default choice; False to show [n] (optional; defaults to False)


the Boolean value corresponding to the user’s choice

Return type


This will show a “y/n” prompt in the user’s terminal, and return True or False based on the response. question should be phrased as a question, but without a question mark at the end.


The configuration parser object that does the heavy lifting.

See also

Python’s built-in configparser module and its RawConfigParser class.


Write all changes to the config file.


Saving the config file will remove any comments that might have existed, as Python’s configparser ignores them when parsing.

This will become less and less important as we continue to improve Sopel’s tools for making automated changes to config files and eliminate most users’ need to ever manually edit the text, but it’s still worth keeping in mind.

exception sopel.config.ConfigurationError(value)

Exception type for configuration errors.


value (str) – a description of the error that has occurred

exception sopel.config.ConfigurationNotFound(filename)

Exception type for use when the configuration file cannot be found.


filename (str) – file path that could not be found


Path to the configuration file that could not be found.


Types for creating section definitions.

A section definition consists of a subclass of StaticSection, on which any number of subclasses of BaseValidated (a few common ones of which are available in this module) are assigned as attributes. These descriptors define how to read values from, and write values to, the config file.

As an example, if one wanted to define the [spam] section as having an eggs option, which contains a list of values, they could do this:

>>> class SpamSection(StaticSection):
...     eggs = ListAttribute('eggs')
>>> SpamSection(config, 'spam')
>>> print(config.spam.eggs)
>>> config.spam.eggs = ['goose', 'turkey', 'duck', 'chicken', 'quail']
>>> print(config.spam.eggs)
['goose', 'turkey', 'duck', 'chicken', 'quail']
>>> config.spam.eggs = 'herring'
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ListAttribute value must be a list.
class sopel.config.types.BaseValidated(name, default=None, is_secret=False)

The base type for a setting descriptor in a StaticSection.

  • name (str) – the attribute name to use in the config file

  • default (mixed) – the value to be returned if the setting has no value (optional; defaults to None)

  • is_secret (bool) – tell if the attribute is secret/a password (optional; defaults to False)

default also can be set to sopel.config.types.NO_DEFAULT, if the value must be configured by the user (i.e. there is no suitable default value). Trying to read an empty NO_DEFAULT value will raise AttributeError.


Setting names SHOULD follow snake_case naming rules:

  • use only lowercase letters, digits, and underscore (_)

  • SHOULD NOT start with a digit

Deviations from snake_case can break the following operations:

configure(prompt, default, parent, section_name)

Parse and return a value from user’s input.

  • prompt (str) – text to show the user

  • default (mixed) – default value used if no input given

  • parent (Config) – usually the parent Config object

  • section_name (str) – the name of the containing section

This method displays the prompt and waits for user’s input on the terminal. If no input is provided (i.e. the user just presses “Enter”), the default value is returned instead.

If is_secret is True, the input will be hidden, using the built-in getpass() function.


Default value for this attribute.

If not specified, the attribute’s default value will be None.


Tell if the attribute is secret/a password.

The default value is False (not secret).

Sopel’s configuration can contain passwords, secret keys, and other private information that must be treated as sensitive data. Such options should be marked as “secret” with this attribute.


Name of the attribute.

parse(value, *args, **kwargs)

Take a string from the file, and return the appropriate object.

Must be implemented in subclasses.

serialize(value, *args, **kwargs)

Take some object, and return the string to be saved to the file.

Must be implemented in subclasses.

class sopel.config.types.BooleanAttribute(name, default=False)

A descriptor for Boolean settings in a StaticSection.

  • name (str) – the attribute name to use in the config file

  • default (bool) – the default value to use if this setting is not present in the config file

If the default value is not specified, it will be False.

configure(prompt, default, parent, section_name)

Parse and return a value from user’s input.

  • prompt (str) – text to show the user

  • default (bool) – default value used if no input given

  • parent (Config) – usually the parent Config object

  • section_name (str) – the name of the containing section

This method displays the prompt and waits for user’s input on the terminal. If no input is provided (i.e. the user just presses “Enter”), the default value is returned instead.


Parse a limited set of values/objects into Boolean representations.


value (mixed) – the value to parse

The literal values True or 1 will be parsed as True. The strings '1', 'yes', 'y', 'true', 'enable', 'enabled', and 'on' will also be parsed as True, regardless of case. All other values will be parsed as False.


Convert a Boolean value to a string for saving to the config file.


value (bool) – the value to serialize

class sopel.config.types.ChoiceAttribute(name, choices, default=None)

A config attribute which must be one of a set group of options.

  • name (str) – the attribute name to use in the config file

  • choices (list or tuple) – acceptable values; currently, only strings are supported

  • default (str) – which choice to use if none is set in the config file; to require explicit configuration, use sopel.config.types.NO_DEFAULT (optional)


Check the loaded value against the valid choices.


value (str) – the value loaded from the config file


the value, if it is valid

Return type



ValueError – if value is not one of the valid choices


Make sure value is valid and safe to write in the config file.


value (str) – the value needing to be saved


the value, if it is valid

Return type



ValueError – if value is not one of the valid choices

class sopel.config.types.FilenameAttribute(name, relative=True, directory=False, default=None)

A config attribute which must be a file or directory.

  • name (str) – the attribute name to use in the config file

  • relative (bool) – whether the path should be relative to the location of the config file (optional; note that absolute paths will always be interpreted as absolute)

  • directory (bool) – whether the path should indicate a directory, rather than a file (optional)

  • default (str) – the value to use if none is defined in the config file; to require explicit configuration, use sopel.config.types.NO_DEFAULT (optional)


Parse value as a path on the filesystem to check.


value (str) – the path to check

Return type



ValueError – if the directory or file doesn’t exist and cannot be created

If there is no value, then this returns None. Otherwise, it’ll check if the directory or file exists. If it doesn’t, it’ll try to create it.


Directly return the value without modification.


value (str) – the value needing to be saved


the unaltered value, if it is valid

Return type


Managing the filename is done by other methods (parse()), and this method is a no-op: this way it ensures that relative paths won’t be replaced by absolute ones.

class sopel.config.types.ListAttribute(name, strip=True, default=None)

A config attribute containing a list of string values.

  • name (str) – the attribute name to use in the config file

  • strip (bool) – whether to strip whitespace from around each value (optional; applies only to legacy comma-separated lists; multi-line lists are always stripped)

  • default (list) – the default value if the config file does not define a value for this option; to require explicit configuration, use sopel.config.types.NO_DEFAULT (optional)

From this StaticSection:

class SpamSection(StaticSection):
    cheeses = ListAttribute('cheeses')

the option will be exposed as a Python list:

>>> config.spam.cheeses
['camembert', 'cheddar', 'reblochon', '#brie']

which comes from this configuration file:

cheeses =

Note that the #brie item starts with a #, hence the double quote: without these quotation marks, the config parser would think it’s a comment. The quote/unquote is managed automatically by this field, and if and only if it’s necessary (see parse() and serialize()).

Changed in version 7.0: The option’s value will be split on newlines by default. In this case, the strip parameter has no effect.

See the parse() method for more information.


About: backward compatibility with comma-separated values.

A ListAttribute option allows to write, on a single line, the values separated by commas. As of Sopel 7.x this behavior is discouraged. It will be deprecated in Sopel 8.x, then removed in Sopel 9.x.

Bot owners are encouraged to update their configurations to use newlines instead of commas.

The comma delimiter fallback does not support commas within items in the list.

QUOTE_REGEX = re.compile('^"(?P<value>#.*)"$')

Regex pattern to match value that requires quotation marks.

This pattern matches values that start with # inside quotation marks only: "#sopel" will match, but "sopel" won’t, and neither will any variant that doesn’t conform to this pattern.

configure(prompt, default, parent, section_name)

Parse and return a value from user’s input.

  • prompt (str) – text to show the user

  • default (mixed) – default value used if no input given

  • parent (Config) – usually the parent Config object

  • section_name (str) – the name of the containing section

This method displays the prompt and waits for user’s input on the terminal. If no input is provided (i.e. the user just presses “Enter”), the default value is returned instead.

If is_secret is True, the input will be hidden, using the built-in getpass() function.


Parse value into a list.


value (str) – a multi-line string of values to parse into a list


a list of items from value

Return type


Changed in version 7.0: The value is now split on newlines, with fallback to comma when there is no newline in value.

When modified and saved to a file, items will be stored as a multi-line string (see serialize()).


Parse one item from the list.


item (str) – one item from the list to parse

Return type


If item matches the QUOTE_REGEX pattern, then it will be unquoted. Otherwise it’s returned as-is.


Serialize value into a multi-line string.


value (list) – the input list

Return type



ValueError – if value is the wrong type (i.e. not a list)


Serialize an item from the list value.


item (str) – one item of the list to serialize

Return type


If item starts with a # it will be quoted in order to prevent the config parser from thinking it’s a comment.

class sopel.config.types.NO_DEFAULT

A special value to indicate that there should be no default.

class sopel.config.types.SecretAttribute(name, parse=None, serialize=None, default=None)

A config attribute containing a value which must be kept secret.

This attribute is always considered to be secret/sensitive data, but otherwise behaves like other any option.

class sopel.config.types.StaticSection(config, section_name, validate=True)

A configuration section with parsed and validated settings.

This class is intended to be subclassed and customized with added attributes containing BaseValidated-based objects.


By convention, subclasses of StaticSection are named with the plugin’s name in CamelCase, plus the suffix Section. For example, a plugin named editor might name its subclass EditorSection; a do_stuff plugin might name its subclass DoStuffSection (its name converted from snake_case to CamelCase).

However, this is only a convention. Any class name that is legal in Python will work just fine.

configure_setting(name, prompt, default=<class 'sopel.config.types.NO_DEFAULT'>)

Return a validated value for this attribute from the terminal.

  • name (str) – the name of the attribute to configure

  • prompt (str) – the prompt text to display in the terminal

  • default (depends on subclass) – the value to be used if the user does not enter one

If default is passed, it will be used if no value is given by the user. If it is not passed, the current value of the setting, or the default value if it’s unset, will be used. Note that if default is passed, the current value of the setting will be ignored, even if it is not the attribute’s default.

class sopel.config.types.ValidatedAttribute(name, parse=None, serialize=None, default=None, is_secret=False)

A descriptor for settings in a StaticSection.

  • name (str) – the attribute name to use in the config file

  • parse (function) – a function to be used to read the string and create the appropriate object (optional; the string value will be returned as-is if not set)

  • serialize (function) – a function that, given an object, should return a string that can be written to the config file safely (optional; defaults to str)

  • is_secret (bool) – True when the attribute should be considered a secret, like a password (default to False)

configure(prompt, default, parent, section_name)

Parse and return a value from user’s input.

  • prompt (str) – text to show the user

  • default (mixed) – default value used if no input given

  • parent (Config) – usually the parent Config object

  • section_name (str) – the name of the containing section

This method displays the prompt and waits for user’s input on the terminal. If no input is provided (i.e. the user just presses “Enter”), the default value is returned instead.

If is_secret is True, the input will be hidden, using the built-in getpass() function.


No-op: simply returns the given value, unchanged.


value (str) – the string read from the config file

Return type



Return the value as a Unicode string.


value – the option value

Return type



sopel.config.core_section.COMMAND_DEFAULT_HELP_PREFIX = '.'

Default help prefix used in commands’ usage messages.

sopel.config.core_section.COMMAND_DEFAULT_PREFIX = '\\.'

Default prefix used for commands.

class sopel.config.core_section.CoreSection(config, section_name, validate=True)

The config section used for configuring the bot itself.


All Required values must be specified, or Sopel will fail to start.


You can use the command sopel configure to generate a config file with the minimal required options.


The list of admin accounts other than the owner’s.

Each account is allowed to administer the bot and can perform commands that are restricted to admins.


admin_accounts =


This should not be set for networks that do not support IRCv3 account capabilities. In that case, use admins instead.


The list of people (other than the owner) who can administer the bot.


admin =

List of alternate names users may call the bot.

These aliases are used along with the bot’s nick for $nick and $nickname regex substitutions.

For example, a bot named “William” (its nick) could have these aliases:

alias_nicks =

This would then allow both “William: Hi!” and “Bill: Hi!” to work with nickname_command().


Simple method to authenticate with the server.

Can be one of nickserv, authserv, Q, sasl, server, or userserv.

This allows only a single authentication method; to use both a server-based authentication method and a nick-based authentication method, see server_auth_method and nick_auth_method.

For more information about these methods, see Authentication.


If this is specified, nick_auth_method will be ignored, and this value will override server_auth_method.


The password to use to authenticate with the auth_method.

See Authentication.


Target for authentication.


The nickname of the NickServ or UserServ service, or the name of the desired SASL mechanism, if auth_method is set to one of these methods. This value is otherwise ignored.

See Authentication.


The user/account name to use when authenticating.

Required for an auth_method of authserv, Q, or userserv — otherwise ignored.

See Authentication.


List of URL schemes that will trigger URL callbacks.


['http', 'https', 'ftp']

Used by the URL callbacks feature to call plugins when links are posted in chat; see the sopel.plugin.url() decorator.

The default value allows http, https, and ftp. It is equivalent to this configuration example:

auto_url_schemes =

Bind the connection to a specific IP.

Default (all interfaces)

This is equivalent to the default value:

bind_host =

The path to the CA certs .pem file.


ca_certs = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

If not specified, Sopel will try to find the certificate trust store itself from a set of known locations.

If the given value is not an absolute path, it will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the config file with which Sopel was started.


List of channels for the bot to join when it connects.

If a channel key needs to be provided, separate it from the channel name with a space:

channels =
    "#private password"


If you edit the config file manually, make sure to wrap each line starting with a # in double quotes, as shown in the example above. An unquoted # denotes a comment, which will be ignored by Sopel’s configuration parser.


A list of commands to send upon successful connection to the IRC server.

Each line is a message that will be sent to the server once connected, in the order they are defined:

commands_on_connect =
    PRIVMSG :AUTH my_username MyPassword,@#$%!
    PRIVMSG MyOwner :I'm here!

$nickname can be used in a command as a placeholder, and will be replaced with the bot’s nick. For example, if the bot’s nick is Sopel, MODE $nickname +Xxw will be expanded to MODE Sopel +Xxw.

New in version 7.0.


The driver to use for connecting to the database.

This is optional, but can be specified if user wants to use a different driver than the default for the chosen db_type.

See also

Refer to SQLAlchemy’s documentation for more information.


The filename for Sopel’s database.

Used only for SQLite. Ignored for all other db_type values.


The host for Sopel’s database.

Ignored when using SQLite.


The name of Sopel’s database.

Ignored when using SQLite.


The password for Sopel’s database.

Ignored when using SQLite.


The port for Sopel’s database.

Ignored when using SQLite.


The type of database Sopel should connect to.


sqlite (part of Python’s standard library)

The full list of values Sopel recognizes is:

  • firebird

  • mssql

  • mysql

  • oracle

  • postgres

  • sqlite

  • sybase

Here are the additional PyPI packages you may need to install to use one of the most commonly requested alternatives:


pip install mysql-python (Python 2)

pip install mysqlclient (Python 3)


pip install psycopg2


pip install pymssql

This is equivalent to the default value:

db_type = sqlite

See also

Refer to SQLAlchemy’s documentation for more information about the different dialects it supports.


Plugins originally written for Sopel 6.x and older might not work correctly with db_types other than sqlite.


The user for Sopel’s database.

Ignored when using SQLite.


The default format to use for time in messages.


%Y-%m-%d - %T%Z

Used when plugins format times with

This is equivalent to the default value:

default_time_format = %Y-%m-%d - %T%Z

See also

Time format reference is available in the documentation for Python’s time.strftime() function.


The default timezone to use for time in messages.



Used when plugins format times with

For example, to make Sopel fall back on British time:

default_timezone = Europe/London

And this is equivalent to the default value:

default_timezone = UTC

A list of the only plugins you want to enable.

If set, Sopel will only load the plugins named here. All other available plugins will be ignored:

enable =

In that case, only the url, xkcd, and help plugins will be enabled and loaded by Sopel.

To load all available plugins, clear this setting by removing it, or by making it empty:

enable =

To disable only a few plugins, see exclude.

See also

The Plugins chapter for an overview of all plugin-related settings.


A list of plugins which should not be loaded.

If set, Sopel will load all available plugins except those named here:

exclude =

In that case, url, calc, and meetbot will be excluded, and they won’t be loaded by Sopel.

A plugin named both here and in enable will not be loaded; exclude takes priority.

See also

The Plugins chapter for an overview of all plugin-related settings.


A list of other directories in which to search for plugin files.


extra =

See also

The Plugins chapter for an overview of all plugin-related settings.


How many messages can be sent in burst mode.



This is equivalent to the default value:

flood_burst_lines = 4

See also

The Flood Prevention chapter to learn what each flood-related setting does.

New in version 7.0.


How long to wait between sending messages when not in burst mode, in seconds.



This is equivalent to the default value:

flood_empty_wait = 0.7

See also

The Flood Prevention chapter to learn what each flood-related setting does.

New in version 7.0.


How much time to wait at most when flood protection kicks in.



This is equivalent to the default value:

flood_max_wait = 2

See also

The Flood Prevention chapter to learn what each flood-related setting does.

New in version 7.1.


Ratio of the message length used to compute the added wait penalty.



Messages longer than flood_text_length will get an added wait penalty (in seconds) that will be computed like this:

overflow = max(0, (len(text) - flood_text_length))
rate = flood_text_length * flood_penalty_ratio
penalty = overflow / rate


If the penalty ratio is 0, this penalty will be disabled.

This is equivalent to the default value:

flood_penalty_ratio = 1.4

See also

The Flood Prevention chapter to learn what each flood-related setting does.

New in version 7.1.


How quickly burst mode recovers, in messages per second.



This is equivalent to the default value:

flood_refill_rate = 1

See also

The Flood Prevention chapter to learn what each flood-related setting does.

New in version 7.0.


Length of text at which an extra wait penalty is added.



Messages longer than this (in bytes) get an added wait penalty if the flood protection limit is reached.

This is equivalent to the default value:

flood_text_length = 50

See also

The Flood Prevention chapter to learn what each flood-related setting does.

New in version 7.1.


The prefix to use in help output.



This is equivalent to the default value:

help_prefix = .

If prefix is changed from the default, this setting must be updated to reflect the prefix your bot will actually respond to, or the built-in help functionality will provide incorrect example usage.

property homedir

The directory in which various files are stored at runtime.

By default, this is the same directory as the config file. It cannot be changed at runtime.


The IRC server to connect to.



host =

A list of hostnames which Sopel should ignore.

Messages from any user whose connection hostname matches one of these values will be ignored. Regular expression syntax is supported, so remember to escape special characters:

host_blocks =

See also

The nick_blocks list can be used to block users by their nick.


We are working on a better block system; see issue #1355 for more information and update.


Whether a log of raw lines as sent and received should be kept.



To enable this logging:

log_raw = yes

See also

The Raw Logs chapter.


Directory in which to place logs.



If the given value is not an absolute path, it will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the config file with which Sopel was started.

See also

The Logging chapter.


The channel to send logging messages to.

See also

The Log to a Channel chapter.


The format string to use for timestamps in IRC channel logs.

If not specified, this falls back to using logging_datefmt.

See also

Time format reference is available in the documentation for Python’s time.strftime() function.

For more information about logging, see Log to a Channel.

New in version 7.0.


The logging format string to use in IRC channel logs.

If not specified, this falls back to using logging_format.

See also

The Log to a Channel chapter.

New in version 7.0.


The lowest severity of logs to display in IRC channel logs.

If not specified, this falls back to using logging_level.

See also

The Log to a Channel chapter.

New in version 7.0.


The format string to use for timestamps in logs.

If not set, the datefmt argument is not provided, and logging will use the Python default.

See also

Time format reference is available in the documentation for Python’s time.strftime() function.

New in version 7.0.


The logging format string to use for logs.


[%(asctime)s] %(name)-20s %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s

The default log line format will output the timestamp, the package that generated the log line, the log level of the line, and (finally) the actual message. For example:

[2019-10-21 12:47:44,272] sopel.irc            INFO     - Connected.

This is equivalent to the default value:

logging_format = [%(asctime)s] %(name)-20s %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s

See also

Python’s logging format documentation: LogRecord attributes

New in version 7.0.


The lowest severity of logs to display.



Valid values sorted by increasing verbosity:




  • INFO


For example to log only at WARNING level and above:

logging_level = WARNING

User modes to be set on connection.



Include only the mode letters; this value is automatically prefixed with + before Sopel sends the MODE command to IRC.


The “real name” of your bot for WHOIS responses.




The nickname for the bot.




nick = Sopel

The nick authentication method.

Can be one of nickserv, authserv, Q, or userserv.

See also

The Authentication chapter for more details.

New in version 7.0.


The password to use to authenticate the bot’s nick.

See also

The Authentication chapter for more details.

New in version 7.0.


The target user for nick authentication.


NickServ for nickserv authentication; UserServ for userserv authentication

May not apply, depending on the chosen nick_auth_method.

See also

The Authentication chapter for more details.

New in version 7.0.


The username/account to use for nick authentication.


the value of nick

May not apply, depending on the chosen nick_auth_method.

See also

The Authentication chapter for more details.

New in version 7.0.


A list of nicks which Sopel should ignore.

Messages from any user whose nickname matches one of these values will be ignored. Regular expression syntax is supported, so remember to escape special characters:

nick_blocks =

See also

The host_blocks list can be used to block users by their host.


We are working on a better block system; see issue #1355 for more information and update.


For package maintainers. Not used in normal configurations.



This allows software packages to install a default config file, with this option set to True, so that commands to start, stop, or restart the bot won’t work until the bot has been properly configured.


The IRC name of the owner of the bot.

Required even if owner_account is set.


The services account name of the owner of the bot.

This should only be set on networks which support IRCv3 account capabilities.


The directory in which to put the file Sopel uses to track its process ID.



If the given value is not an absolute path, it will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the config file with which Sopel was started.

You probably do not need to change this unless you’re managing Sopel with systemd or similar.


The port to connect on.


6667 normally; 6697 if use_ssl is True


port = 6667

And usually when SSL is enabled:

port = 6697
use_ssl = yes

The prefix to add to the beginning of commands as a regular expression.




prefix = \.

With the default value, users will invoke commands like this:

<nick> .help

Since it’s a regular expression, you can use multiple prefixes:

prefix = \.|\?


As the prefix is a regular expression, don’t forget to escape it when necessary. It is not recommended to use capturing groups, as it will create problems with argument parsing for commands.


Remember to change the help_prefix value accordingly:

prefix = \?
help_prefix = ?

In that example, users will invoke commands like this:

<nick> ?help xkcd
<Sopel> ?xkcd - Finds an xkcd comic strip
<Sopel> Takes one of 3 inputs:

Whether to reply to the sender of a message that triggered an error.



If True, Sopel will send information about the triggered exception to the sender of the message that caused the error.

If False, Sopel will only log the error and will appear to fail silently from the triggering IRC user’s perspective.


The server authentication method.

Can be sasl or server.

New in version 7.0.


The password to use to authenticate with the server.

New in version 7.0.


The SASL mechanism.



New in version 7.0.


The username/account to use to authenticate with the server.

New in version 7.0.


Slow down the initial join of channels to prevent getting kicked.



Sopel will only join this many channels at a time, sleeping for a second between each batch to avoid getting kicked for joining too quickly. This is unnecessary on most networks.

If not set, or set to 0, Sopel won’t slow down the initial join.

In this example, Sopel will try to join 4 channels at a time:

throttle_join = 4

See also

throttle_wait controls Sopel’s waiting time between joining batches of channels.


Time in seconds Sopel waits between joining batches of channels.



In this example:

throttle_wait = 5
throttle_join = 2

Sopel will join 2 channels every 5s.

If throttle_join is 0, this setting has no effect.

See also

throttle_join controls channel batch size.


The number of seconds acceptable since the last message before timing out.



You can change the timeout like this:

# increase to 200 seconds
timeout = 200

The number of seconds before sending a PING command to the server.



The default value is made to send at least 2 PINGs before the bot thinks there is a timeout, given that timeout is 120s by default:

  • t+54s: first PING

  • t+108s: second PING

  • t+120s: if no response, then a timeout is detected

This makes the timeout detection more lenient and forgiving, by allowing a 12s window for the server to send something that will prevent a timeout.

You can change the PING interval like this:

# timeout up to 250s
timeout = 250
# PING every 80s (about 3 times every 240s + 10s window)
timeout_ping_interval = 80


Internally, the default value is 0 and the value used will be automatically calculated as 45% of the timeout:

ping_interval = timeout * 0.45

So for a timeout of 120s it’s a PING every 54s. For a timeout of 250s it’s a PING every 112.5s.


Whether to use a SSL/TLS encrypted connection.



Example with SSL on:

use_ssl = yes

The “user” for your bot (the part before the @ in the hostname).




user = sopel

Whether to require a trusted certificate for encrypted connections.



Example with SSL on:

use_ssl = yes
verify_ssl = yes
sopel.config.core_section.URL_DEFAULT_SCHEMES = ['http', 'https', 'ftp']

Default URL schemes allowed for URLs.


Interactively configure the bot’s [core] config section.


config (Config) – the bot’s config object